Beyond Broken Vows | Christian Marriage, Adultery, Pornography Addiction, Sexual Betrayal, Intimacy

***Top 1.5% Global Podcast*** Dear Betrayed, Are you in shock? Confused, devastated, hurt, angry and feeling like you are not enough? Do you feel like it must be your fault, like you should have somehow seen the signs? Are you grieving the death of the marriage you thought you had? Dear Betrayer, Have you been believing the lie that if people knew what was really in your heart and mind, they would turn their back on you? Have you been convinced that your wife and family would leave you and you would lose everything if/when you came clean? Beloved, do you both feel like your marriage is over? Well, you’re right. That marriage full of secrets and lies IS over. But now there is hope for an honest and transparent marriage - one full of trust, safety, connection, forgiveness, acceptance, and intimacy that you’ve never known before. Bold statement, right? You may be thinking, “No way!” That’s okay. We understand… Hi, we are Johnny and Emily Spigelmire and we have been where you are... As a result of adultery fueled by pornography, the marriage vows we had exchanged as starry-eyed newlyweds and had worked so hard to keep were eventually shattered. We’ve been through hell and back. But we are here, together, to let you know that this devastation we experienced was actually a gift. Of course, we didn’t see it that way at first and you probably don’t either. But, through a commitment to recovery, our faith in God, and our hope for redemption, we set out on a journey of healing, and we can’t wait to share what we’ve learned with you. We now have a marriage that continually blows our minds, and we give God all the glory! So, if you’re ready to move from heartbreak and pain to hope and healing, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and join us on a journey of faith as we talk through difficult questions like; Is there hope for our marriage? Can I fix all the damage I’ve done? Can I ever trust again? Is true intimacy even possible? We will also do deep dives into the topics of: * Isolation * Guilt and Shame * Anger * Rejection * Addiction * Trauma * Body Image * Triggers * Communication * And more… Our story, like yours, is a messy one. But, with God’s help, it is possible to recover what was lost, stolen, or given away. We know this because God has turned the ashes of our lives into something beautiful and we believe he can do that for you too. You can connect with us at: We would love to be part of your journey to healing and wholeness!

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17 hours ago

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you realized that making a significant personal sacrifice was the key to resolving a difficult situation?
And that this decision would alter your life as you know it?
Often, these moments involve putting the needs of someone else first. It’s those we love most with whom we often decide to "die to self."
We’d love for you to join us today as Johnny shares four pivotal moments from his recovery journey where he chose to put Emily ahead of himself in their marriage. We can’t wait for you to hear his inspiring story!
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 51. Full Therapeutic Disclosure: 3 Steps to Healing and Freedom After Sexual Betrayal
Episode 60. The High Cost of Freedom in a Sexually Betrayed Marriage
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Monday Feb 03, 2025

Okay, picture this scene: you are on vacation at the beach, having a great time soaking in the sun and playing in the ocean. You're making your way further and further out into deeper water. The waves are getting steadily higher but it’s still manageable as your feet are connected to the sandy ocean floor.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a very large and powerful wave comes crashing over your head. You are overwhelmed - taken off your feet, tossed about, and feeling like you might drown.
Similar scenes play out from time to time in our recovery journeys from sexual betrayal and addiction. This is certainly true for us.
Join us as we share about the “wave” that overwhelmed us this week.  Our desire as we share our story is that you will know that you are not alone and there is hope.
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 12. His Adultery Shattered My Reality. How Do I Know What’s Real?
Episode 86. Recovering From Porn-Fueled Infidelity: Obstacles We Encountered This Year
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Monday Jan 27, 2025

Today we’ll be sharing a fantastic interview with Sathiya Sam, host of the Man Within podcast and the founder of Deep Clean.
Sathiya opens up about his personal journey, including how he overcame a 15-year struggle with porn addiction, and the faith and guidance that played a key role in his recovery.
He dives into some eye-opening differences between just being sober and truly experiencing freedom from addiction, all while highlighting the importance of addressing root issues. Plus, Sathiya shares how he has integrated healthy sexuality into his marriage and how he safeguards that bond through openness and accountability.
The conversation is packed with practical tips on building resilience and achieving lasting freedom from porn addiction. We can't wait for you to tune in!
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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The Last Relapse book:
Man Within Podcast:
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Episode 16. It’s Just Porn, What’s The Big Deal? And 4 Other Lies We Tell Ourselves To Justify Viewing Pornography
Episode 26. Recovery Step 1: Hooked on Porn? Admitting Helplessness Over Pornography’s Pull
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Monday Jan 20, 2025

After infidelity in marriage is discovered, many questions arise and decisions need to be made. Questions like:
Is this real?  
How could this happen to me?
And one of the more frequently asked questions,
What do I do now?
Last week, in episode #88, we told the story of our journey toward "making a decision and burning the ships". 
Today, we follow up on our conversation from last week by asking the question, "Why stay married?" We will unpack 3 good reasons to stay married after broken covenant and give you some hope through the scriptures.
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 05. The Effects of Infidelity and How We Made the Decision to Stay Married After Sexual Betrayal
Episode 24. Would You Marry Your Betraying Spouse Again? Renewing Vows After Porn-Fueled Infidelity. This Time...Mean It
Episode 88. Make a Decision and Burn the Ships
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Monday Jan 13, 2025

Often in life, we come to a point where we need to make an important decision. A decision that could alter the trajectory of the rest of our lives. Yes, that kind of decision. 
Have you had to make such decisions?? 
When it comes to recovering from sexual betrayal in marriage, these kinds of decisions can come up very soon after the discovery of adultery and then later on as rebuilding your marriage is underway.
You may commit to moving forward, leaving the safety of what is known, and move into unchartered territory -  with no plans to turn back.
The time has come to "burn the ships". 
Join us for this candid discussion, centered on experiences from our own recovery journey, highlighting the ships we burned to move forward in search of true intimacy.
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 05. The Effects of Infidelity and How We Made the Decision to Stay Married After Sexual Betrayal
Episode 24. Would You Marry Your Betraying Spouse Again? Renewing Vows After Porn-Fueled Infidelity. This Time...Mean It
Episode 87. Can’t We Just Get Back to Normal? The Shortest Path to True Intimacy After Sexual Betrayal
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Monday Jan 06, 2025

Have you gotten to the point in your recovery journey from marital infidelity where you may be feeling the fatigue of endless questions, lack of trust, and having to talk about the pain every day and you’re asking yourself, "Can't we just get back to normal"?
What is normal?
What if "normal" got you to where you are today? Would you really want to go back?
Join us today as we outline the shortest path through minefield of betrayal and addiction recovery to the seemingly illusive "Promised Land".
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 13. His Triggers, Her Triggers – 4 Steps For Dealing With Triggers While Healing From Infidelity
Episode 50. Are You Thriving or Just Surviving in Marriage After Sexual Betrayal
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Monday Dec 30, 2024

As we approach the end of 2024, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year of recovery. Was this last year anything that we hoped or imagined it would be? What went well? What missed the mark of our expectations? What could we have done differently?
These are all good questions to ask ourselves in light of the upcoming New Year.
Our recovery journey from porn-fueled infidelity and betrayal trauma to true intimacy is no different. We must ask ourselves these types of questions if we are to stay on the path to regain what was lost, stolen, or given away.
So, grab your favorite holiday beverage and listen in as we reflect on this past year and share some harrowing obstacles we encountered and insights on what we learned along the way.
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 62. Social Media Hack Triggers Trauma From Porn-Fueled Infidelity
Episode 77. 4 Practical Steps for Vigilance in Recovery from Porn-Fueled Infidelity
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Monday Dec 23, 2024

Are you looking for hope in what may seem to be a hopeless situation right now?
Merriam-Webster defines hope as "to expect with confidence".
During this Christmas season many of us are looking for hope. Hope that things will change for the better or maybe just hope that the pain of betrayal and the confusion of addiction will simply “go away”.
Friends, let me assure you that there is true hope to be found in the reality of the arrival of Jesus into our world and our lives. When we remember to set our focus on Immanuel, “God with us” it is easier to see that you are not alone and there is hope.
Join us today as we impart our message of hope to you as you move through the devastation of porn-fueled infidelity.
Merry Christmas!
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 30. Has Adultery Grinched Your Christmas? 2 Ways to Approach Holiday Season Triggers After Sexual Betrayal
Episode 33. The Greatest Gift at Christmas: A 12-Stop Journey To God’s Plan for Redemption
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Monday Dec 16, 2024

Are you looking forward to celebrating Christmas this year? Or maybe for you, Christmastime has a dark shadow over it because of the discovery of sexual betrayal in your marriage and you’re wondering if it is ever going to get better.
We know how that feels! Several years ago, we faced the shocking reality of infidelity in our marriage, and it turned our Christmas into a painful blur. Before that experience, each of us had such different perspectives on holiday joy. Let’s just say one of us was a real Humbug.
But after going through the healing journey together, we’ve found common ground in how we celebrate Christmas, and it has truly become more meaningful than ever.
So, why not cozy up with a warm cup of hot cocoa and join us as we share some heartfelt stories of Christmases past and a sprinkle of hope for the present? You're not alone in this journey!
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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Episode 30. Has Adultery Grinched Your Christmas? 2 Ways to Approach Holiday Season Triggers After Sexual Betrayal
Episode 33. The Greatest Gift at Christmas: A 12-Stop Journey To God’s Plan for Redemption
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Monday Dec 09, 2024

On today's show, we share our transformative journey from the deep struggles of pornography addiction and infidelity to healing and restoration. If you remember back on episode #75, we had a guest on our show who gave us some incredible insights on how to Heal with God, from heavy things like sexual betrayal, shame and unforgiveness.
Heather O’Brien is the host of the podcast Heal with God, and we were so blessed to have her on our show a couple months ago. We both gleaned some nuggets of truth that we have since implemented in our own healing journey, so we encourage you to go back and listen to that episode if you haven’t heard it yet. We’ve also put more ways to connect with Heather and her resources below in our show notes.
Heather was kind enough to ask us to be on her show and we are sharing that interview with you now, so settle in for some vulnerable answers to some difficult questions.
We pray this blesses you,
Johnny and Emily
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CONNECT with Heather O’Brien:
Heal with God podcast
Heather’s Website
Heather’s Free Mental Makeover Challenge
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Episode 63. Got Porn Brain? What It Is and How It Affects You and Your Marriage
Episode 75. Heal With God From Sexual Betrayal, Shame, and Unforgiveness: feat. Heather O'Brien
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Beyond Broken Vows

Hello Beloved,

You may have been betrayed by your spouse or you may be the one who has betrayed your spouse through pornography use or even extra-marital relationships. 

God loves you both!

We are Johnny and Emily Spigelmire and we have been on the painful road of sexual betrayal and addiction, but our marriage has been redeemed by the miraculous power of Jesus Christ.

Our story, like yours, is a messy one. But with God's help, it is possible to recover what was lost, stolen, or given away. We know this because God has turned the ashes of our lives into something beautiful and we believe he can do that for you too.

So, if you are ready to move from heartbreak and pain to hope and healing, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and get ready to be encouraged!

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